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CDD and Debconf


Short notes about CDD things at Debconf:

 - Some other customization-related technologies have been presented by
   Progeny, including the PICAX live CD builder (using Anaconda) and the
   Componentized Linux approach

 - Debian-Edu presented their work

 - Together with Jonas Smedegaard, we requested the "tweaks" Alioth
   project, where to collect and share cfengine tweaks

 - Debian-NP started exploring CDD technology and hacking on Debian-Edu

 - I've been talking with Otavio Salvador, a brazilian Debian Developer,
   which is involved in many custom/derived debian distributions:
    - Libertade (for schools)
    - Debian-br (for Brazil: it's a Debian with preselected pt_BR and
      other local changes)
   Otavio's also created the debpartial-mirror script (available in
   experimental) which does package selection and CD Building including
   putting Debian installer in.  He's probably going to join this list,
   if he hasn't done already.

 - I keep gathering ideas and contributions on the CDD talk.  So far we
   have this list of people that can take part:
    - Enrico: how is world domination going to work
    - Kalfa: technical infrastructure
    - Pere: given their big experience, what problems there are
    - Otavio: brasilian experiences
   I still haven't talked to Bdale to ask if he's interested in saying
   something, but I'll do it soon.

Overall, people are networking together, including people maintaining
separate distros.  This is hopefully going to foster a big deal of
cooperation and exchange between derived debians, and possibly migration
of some of them to the CDD framework.

Many people expressed interest in the CDD talk, including big names.
I'm excited!

I've been writing down this "CDD Technical Philosophy", and I'd like to
ask you if you agree with it before putting it into the talk:

 1) Do everything with standard Debian packages, configured with Debconf
    Preseeding (when possible)
 2) When this fails, tweak config using cfengine, sharing the tweaks
    with other groups
 3) When this fails, maintain a new package in a separate apt repository



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