debian-custom Apr 2004 by subject

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Alternative post[inst,rm} script Any idea how to handle versioned dependencies Re: attemp to modularize Attended network installation bashism in debian/rule Bug in cdd-update-menus D-I kernel facts [Re: Knoppix to Debian - A Roadmap what needs to be done] Debian Custom in the news Re: Debian Non-Profit Server? debian-custom list has been created The debian-custom list has been created Fixed a couple of types in the cdd source package Generalizing building scripts of meta packages Gnome menu support (Was: /usr/lib/menu vs .desktop files - possible mass bug filling) How can I help? How to handle non-free packages How to release files on Alioth Integrating cdd-dev with dh-make irc channel #debian-custom registered on jablicator Keeping track of the health of all packages in a CDD Knoppix to Debian - A Roadmap what needs to be done Re: Knoppix to Debian - Forgotten Build Scripts knoppix to debian again Live CDs for CDDs menu handling by cdd-common Menu system bug list Overriding conf file with symlink under /etc considered harmful Problems with knoppix debs [Re: Knoppix to Debian - A Roadmap what needs to be done] Processing of cdd_0.3_i386.changes (fwd) Project homepage Re: roadmap after version 1.0 Unix group to handle CDD roles? Updated Debian organisation page way to not touch $HOME for menus Which packages a CDD is composed of? [Was: Integrating cdd-dev with dh-make] Working towards a stable release Workshop on Custom and Derivative Debian Distributions The last update was on 09:49 GMT Mon May 20. There are 170 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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