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Re: "Mr. 50,000 Global Remote and Mobile Users Connected Without a VPN"

He was a new strange guy.

He was Joe from IT, "the backup nightmare".

He's been sued because of the CEO's googleable spicy messages
using the company's mail account.

In times when administrators struggle to keep our crap working
with less than a daily reboot,
we proudly do what no sane company would ever dream to do.
Microsoft introduces "Virtually Non-Existent .NETCrap".
Will the VPN will work across different suppliers netgear???
Don't worry, it simply doesn't exists.

Get a name for the shit you do,
With Windows server system.

martin f krafft wrote:
See the image from Microsoft's current ad campaign at [0].

0. http://madduck.net/~madduck/scratch/microsoft_needs_no_vpn.jpg

This one begs for a parody, but I am not creative enough. Nor funny
really. At least not right now...

  "In times when administrators struggle to make Windows speak
   standard IPsec, Microsoft proudly goes where we're coming from."

Yeah, why bother with VPNs, really? That's so nineties!

Hey, Redmond: when we said "information should be free", you didn't

Thoughts, ideas, wishes on how we can make this (more) funny?

PS: Riku Voipio adds:
23:07 < nchip> Mr. 60k desktops messed up in a single click [1]

1. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2004/11/26/dwp_network_outage/

KDE: 'Cause there's no 'G' in DEsKtop.
KDE: Porque nao tem 'G' em DEsKtop.
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