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Number of developers in daylight

I wrote a script to see how many developers there are in daylight at any time,
for example right now, at 13:50 GMT there are 432 developers in daylight, and 
169 developers not in daylight.

I just went and did some other stuff, now I have come back to writing this
mail and it is 15:17 GMT, there are 394 developers with sunlight shining over
them, and 207 without.

What use is this? None that I can think of.

See more, including a plot of developers in sunlight for the whole day, and
the script used to calculate these figures at

Note to Developers:
Want to add your coordinates to http://db.debian.org/ so that they get
included in these calculations? Then check out the Getty Thesaurus of
Geographic Names at http://www.getty.edu/research/tools/vocabulary/tgn/

The enemy's gate is down

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