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Re: Rethinking the role of the TC

Hello Marga,

On Sat 18 Jul 2020 at 04:29PM +02, Margarita Manterola wrote:

> The doc collects the main problems that have been raised about the TC
> and a bunch of proposals of what we can do about it. Neither list is
> complete and your input is welcome.
> I've created it as a Markdown doc in our git repo and created a merge
> request for it, so if you want, you can add your comments to that MR:
> https://salsa.debian.org/debian/tech-ctte/-/merge_requests/1

I think that the document is well-written.  Thank you for working on it.
I am particularly keen to discuss the "private discussion", "allow
design work" and "allow the TC to be invoked early" proposals.  Your
descriptions of those seem complete.

At the present time, I am not convinced of the value of discussing the
"mediation body" and "split responsibilities" proposals, because I don't
yet see how they are in scope for a reform project led by the TC.  I'll
try to explain what I mean, and then maybe you could expand your
descriptions, ideally with some concrete examples, such that I and
others can see better what you're getting at.

Non-CoC social issues often arrive tangled up with the technical issues
that come before the TC, such that the project already expects the TC to
mediate, and people are appointed to the TC on the basis that they will
be capable of mediating.

Then with respect to the "meditation body" proposal, the point seems to
be for the project to assign mediation responsibility for purely
non-technical, non-CoC social issues to a new body, or to an existing
body, the TC, which is meant to already have people capable of mediating
on it.

It might be a good idea for Debian to do that, but the sense in which it
might make the TC more useful to Debian is quite different from the
three proposals I said I am particularly keen to discuss, which are
about making the TC more useful for issues it already has responsibility

So, ISTM that a project to assign responsibility for mediating non-CoC,
purely non-technical issues is a distinct project from that of
rethinking how the TC handles what it already has responsibility for,
and moreover, it is not clear to me such a project should be led by the

With respect to the "separate responsibilities" proposal, I would like
to ask for more detail on how it is thought this could make the TC more
useful.  Right now I can't see how it would, given what I just wrote
about how social issues tend to come throughly tangled up with technical
ones, except for the purely non-technical, non-CoC issues, which the TC
does not presently have responsibility for anyway.

Additionally, in light of the discussions we had about the formation and
delegation of the Community Team, I am concerned that we could end up in
quite fractious, overly general discussions about the role of mediation
in mostly-but-not-wholly-technical projects like ours.  So I would like
to have a concrete conception of how this could make the TC more useful
before going down that road.

Sean Whitton

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