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Re: Technical Committee: decision on #119517?

On Sat, Apr 27, 2002 at 11:07:52AM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> >>"Ian" == Ian Jackson <ian@davenant.greenend.org.uk> writes:
>  Ian> Most puzzling to me seems to be your position on groff.  It's clear
>  Ian> that if you install groff the base code does indeed work.  But you're
>  Ian> saying that there should be no non-working binaries, and if you
>  Ian> install groff without xlib6g you get a non-working binary (and indeed
>  Ian> there's no alternative sensible ditroff previewer).  I was expecting
>  Ian> you to say that gxditview should be broken out of groff, too.
> 	Strawman. The situation is not as you describe; it seems that
>  groff suggests groff-x11, and lets see here:

Ian is referring to the version in stable, where gxditview was indeed
part of groff.

I split the groff package for other reasons (primarily removing large
components that few people use from the base system) about a year ago,
forming groff-base and groff. At that point, gxditview became a much
more significant part of the groff binary package in relative terms, and
I felt that a stronger relationship than 'Suggests' was appropriate.
However, adding that to groff would have meant that people upgrading
from a potato base system would have found themselves prompted to
install X, which didn't seem ideal to me.

I'm inclined to merge groff-x11 back into groff after woody. I haven't
yet decided what relationship groff should then declare on XFree86, but
I'd imagine that the Committee's decision here will be relevant.

[Hoping to provide useful information here; excuse me for intruding.]

Colin Watson (groff maintainer)                    [cjwatson@debian.org]

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