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Technical committee composition and activity

--text follows this line--
Ian Jackson writes ("Re: Bug#119517: pcmcia-cs: cardinfo binary needs to move into a separate package"):
> For history of this resolution, see earlier postings on the tech ctte
> list.  The committee has voted as follows:
>    Bdale     FD, B, A
>    Ian       A, FD, B
>    Manoj     B, FD, A
>    Wichert   A, FD, B
>    Dale      no response
>    Guy       no response
>    Jason     no response
>    Raul      no response

OK, I seem to be managing to get some life into this beast.  But, we
still have some problems:

* I'm advertising a 4-week response time.  This doesn't seem to be
anywhere near reality, so I propose to change it to 8 on our webpage.

* We have a lack of questions to resolve.  I can't believe that no-one
is arguing about anything; the silence may well mean that people have
stopped caring, or are browbeating each other instead.

* Half of the committee seem completely dead.  This is what the rest
of my message will be about.

I think the lack of responsiveness by half of the committee is a big
problem.  It undermines both our legitimacy and effectiveness.  It's
OK for people to be busy occasionally and miss bits of our work.  But
completely disappearing and not answering email at all is out, really.

So, I think we should try to replace the silent committee members.  I
propose to try a novel (for the committee) appointment system: an
announcement asking for volunteers; applications, with some
information about past history; discussion in the committee about who
would be best, and then replacement of up to 4 of the currently
inactive members.

Dale, Guy, Jason, Raul: now would be a good time to pipe up and say
you're here really and promise to actually take part.  Otherwise we'll
assume you've moved on to other things.

It is important to remember that it is much more important to have
only really good people on the committee, than it is to have many
people.  If we can't find enough candidates that we're sufficiently
convinced about, we should stay with the status quo.

What do you think ?  If you like this idea, I'll write up a draft `job
advert' for d-d-a.


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