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Re: request for Technical Committee ruling on Bug #109436

Previously Bdale Garbee wrote:
> I believe that we must have the ability to remove an orig.tar.gz and all
> derived objects from the archive under certain circumstances which have 
> already been articulated by others.  If the current toolset doesn't support
> that, it should be fixed.

Of course the toolset does support that. What it means that X will
disappear completely from the archive and an extremely large portion of
packages will suddenly no longer be installable and all mirrors will
have a sudden large hit that might cause them to be out of sync for
a few days.

Now, contrast that with an approach where a new .orig.tar.gz with a
slightly different filename is uploaded which allows for a smooth
transition. Users will never notice the change, and we still accomplish
the goal of removing the non-DFSG bits completely.


 /       Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool     \
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