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Re: old Debian 12 AMI showing up when trying to launch in AWS eu-west-2

On Fri, Apr 26, 2024 at 03:52:40PM +0100, Andy Holt wrote:
> I see from https://wiki.debian.org/Cloud/AmazonEC2Image/Bookworm that
> there are new Bookworm AMIs published, as of 15/Apr/2024.  However, if
> (in eu-west-2 / London at least) I try to launch a Debian 12 EC2
> instance, using the plain old 'Launch Instance' button (not the
> Marketplace), and I search for Debian, I am still given the previous
> AMI (ami-06bd7f67e90613d1a for AMD64) from 13/Oct/2023, instead of the
> new one (ami-01860d6b53d015072).  This is the only result under the
> default 'Quickstart AMIs' section of the results.
> I guess we'd like the newest one to show up there?
> Sorry if this is a quirk of AWS, and the process to update this is
> on-going.  :-)

You're using the Quick Launch wizard, or whatever it's actually called,
right?  That is, not the Marketplace and not the specific AMI IDs listed
at https://wiki.debian.org/Cloud/AmazonEC2Image/Bookworm ?

The quick launch wizard is something that AWS needs to update; we have
no control over it at all.  We'll publish 12.6 AMIs as soon as it is
released, at which point I'll ping my contacts at AWS and get it

In the meantime, I recommend using either the Marketplace listings or
the AMIs listed in the SSM public parameters.  Query those with, e.g.

$ aws ssm get-parameter --region eu-west-2 --name /aws/service/debian/release/12/latest/arm64


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