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State and maintenance of the cloud-init package.

Dear all,

while trying to use Debian-Installer to prepare Debian AMIs for the Amazon
cloud, I wanted hook scripts to maintain /boot/grub/menu.lst for pv-grub to
boot the instances.


In Ubuntu, this task is done by the grub-legacy-ec2 package, from the
cloud-init source package.  I therefore decided to bring the cloud-init package
into Debian.  While preparing the upload, I contacted Ubuntu's maintainer and
we came to the conclusion that grub-legacy-ec2 is not really part of
cloud-init, and that ideally it should be maintained as a separate package.  I
therefore opened an ITP for a package called pv-grub-menu.lst and uploaded
cloud-init without grub-legacy-ec2.


Cloud-init offers many functionalities that I never used, and is written in
Python where I am illiterrate.  This is definitely not optimal.  Miguel
Landaeta has offered his help.  If other developers are interested in
maintaining cloud-init (preferably within the python-apps team or another open
team), please let us know.

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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