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Link Partner

Hello my name is Musa Aykac. I am seeking out possible link partners that our visitors would be interesting in visiting. I've found your website to be a very good fit
for our visitors. I have already gone ahead and added your link to our website at:
I am contacting you to see if it is ok to have done so. Also, I would like to ask if you
mind linking back to us? If so, please use the linking details below and send me the
location of our link on your website.
Here is our linking details:
Title: Free Proxy, Myspace Proxy, Bebo Tagged Hi5, Unlock Proxy, Proxy Serice
Description: A free proxy service, dedicated to those of you who can't get on those important, or fun, sites at school or work. Acces sites such as Myspace, Bebo, Tagged & Hi5
URL: http://www.unlockyourweb.com
We've got several PR6 and 7 websites, so we expect this site to become atleast a
PR5 within 1 month and will eventually become a 6 or 7 in 2-3 months.
I hope this can be a way for us to benefit our visitors with excellent content. Hope to
hear from you soon.
Musa Aykac

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