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Re: [Kalug] Re: gaim 中文支援

Arne Goetje wrote:
 請問你用甚麼字碼 & XIM client ? 在我的套件下面是很正常的。(除了他運作非常慢
這個問題外)您知道該怎麼用 gdb debug 嗎? 或許來一段 trace log 最清楚 ? :-)

unfortunately gaim gives out the standard error message that there is a bug and that it tried to make a core dump, but I cannot find the file... :( though it's not possible for me to trace it. Is there a general place in debian for coredumps?

  或許你用 ulimit 限制了 core dump ? 這樣可能找的到
  locate core|grep core\$

To reproduce the error, I start gaim from Xcinterm-big5 and try to write a message to someone. I can then type chinese in the message window. If I type '大學' followed by a space, gaim dies and displays the message in the console that it had tried a coredump and that this is a bug in the software. The same thing happens when typing other chinese words.

在我的版本中是非常正常的,大學前都加上 space 都沒關係。但是你的環境是 Debian unstable,某些函式庫都不同(libc6, libgdk-pixbuf2, libperl5.8)。還是得找 到 core file 比較有機會知道是甚麼原因。

-Rex, geek by nature linux by choice

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