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Re: [問題]debian的unstable真的有很不穩嗎?

>>>>> "ha" == ha shao <hashao@hashao.hypermart.net> writes:

    高超> 只是gnome-terminal給我升級到了2.0,這是我最喜歡用的終端,可是我卻沒
    高超> 有辦法用中文了,弄了一會兒,還是沒有弄出來,只好放棄,還是老實的回去用
    高超> 1.4了:)

Perhaps you can try to type the following into a new file .pangox_aliases:

sans normal normal normal normal \
        -arphic-ar pl mingti2l big5-medium-r-normal--*-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1"
serif normal normal normal normal \
        "-arphic-ar pl kaitim big5-medium-r-normal--*-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1,\

Actually, everything of the pango configuration (i.e., the font engine of
Gtk 2.0 platform) should be generated by "defoma", although somehow the
arphic fonts are not added into it, so it won't show Chinese.

    ha> download the lower version one. use dpkg force install.  man dpkg.

If one would like to do a mass-downgrade and fall-back to 3.0, one can do
the following.  First, login root, remove the "unstable" source lines, and
type the following as /etc/apt/preferences (see apt_preferences(5)):

--- /etc/apt/preferences starts ---
Package: *
Pin: release v=3.0
Pin-Priority: 2000
--- /etc/apt/preferences ends ---

Now type apt-get update, and then apt-get upgrade.  Everything should get
back to the 3.0 release version.  (The idea is that 2000 is larger than the
"downgrade barrier" of apt, i.e., 3.0 release is preferable to other
versions, even if that would require a downgrade.  If you apt-get upgrade at
this point, you'll actually downgrade.)  After that, it is probably more
safe to delete the /etc/apt/preferences file, otherwise later when you try
installing sarge, you'll probably scratch your head for quite a long time
before you can remember that you have done something to


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