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Re: torrent of blu-ray ISO

Hello Richard

On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 2:01 PM, Richard Atterer <atterer@debian.org> wrote:
> If the jigdo download is broken because it cannot find a few files on any
> mirror anymore, you can usually still avoid re-downloading everything by
> using rsync to download the remaining data. (But are the bluray images are
> available via rsync?)

My apologies for not being more clear with my question/request.

jidgo quit with error 126 on me yesterday while updating from a 5.0.5
DVD.  I did read the mini-FAQ about the rsync method, but I don't
think that will work well for the Blu-ray ISO image since I was only
able to find 1 site that has the full 19GB ISO image.  If more than a
few sites offered the ISO for download, resuming a broken transfer
with rsync would be a viable option; moreso if the mirror with the ISO
was geographically close to me, such as mirrors.kernel.org.


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