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Re: tasksel-data not found in netinstall

On Sat, Sep 18, 2010 at 07:18:47PM -0300, Juan Pablo Frias (Sendatel S.A) wrote:
>Hi' I'm trying to build my own CD from a net install.iso Lenny 5.0.5 amd64
>by running the command
>./easy-build.sh NETINST amd64
>Fail with:
>dpkg-deb: error reading version number from file /home/jpfrias/borrar/tmp/:
>Looking for the problem I've found this line in tool/update_task
>   /^Package: tasksel-data$/ { found=1 }
>   /^Filename:/              { if (found==1) { print $2; exit } }'
>The directories are set correctly and the  Package file exists but
>tasksel-data Package in this file is not found.

When you say you're building from a netinst: is that all you're using
as a source for packages to use? That's not likely to work well, I'm
afraid. You most likely will need more packages from a mirror to do

Anyway: update_tasks will be trying to generate a working set of task
files to work with your build, and to do that it needs the
tasksel-data package. It might be possible to just use the ones in the
debian-cd package (or svn) directly, but that's not how we do things
any more when building the official images.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                steve@einval.com
"Because heaters aren't purple!" -- Catherine Pitt

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