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Re: Progeny picax: Replacement for debian-cd

Le Thu, Jan 15, 2004 at 03:00:51PM -0500, Jeff Licquia écrivait:
> >Unfortunately nobody contacted me yet to tell me he's interested in helping
> >out. :)
> I'd be interested, except that I'm of the opinion that debian-cd's 
> design is flawed at a basic level, which was one of the motivations 
> behind picax.

Can you be more explicit ? I'd like to know what is flawed exactly in
your opinion. I'm still looking for hints from users so that I can
make something better if I decide to work on the (partial) rewrite
of debian-cd.

> >But it doesn't take into account dependencies.  That's an important
> >feature of debian-cd in my opinion.
> Picax does take dependencies into account.  A raw order list is 

You may want to update the comment in the picax file to make that more
explicit then :

# This script splits a repository into N parts, each approximately the
# same size, such that adding each part to an apt sources.list is the
# same as adding the original whole.  Options exist for adding an apt
# CD label, for specifying the architecture, and for providing a
# package order list.  (On the latter, no dependency resolution is
# done, so the list should be vetted for proper dependency
# resolution.)

> Great.  And if that's what everyone wants, more power to you.  But it 
> sounded like there was a dearth of people wanting to work on the current 
> version, so an alternative might be welcome.

Alternatives are always welcome, except that picax is not yet a complete
replacement for debian-cd. Making bootable CDs on all arches is tricky.
You don't support debian-installer yet. And there's probably other
features lacking but I haven't studied picax enough to be able to make a

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