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make-pseudo-image kit problem

Dear Debian,

I wanted to create a non-free ISO image for R2.2 (since you refuse to 
supply one).

1.) There was no list file in the non free directory, so I make my own
using the Packages file, i.e.:
cat Packages | grep Filename: > nonfree.txt 
awk '{print "/"$2}' ../nonfree.txt > nonfree.list 

2.) Then using the pseudo-image kit (and ncftp > 3.0) I ran:
./make-pseudo-image nonfree.list ftp://ftp.us.debian.org

3.) It failed a few times, but I just kept giving the same
command until it completed making the whole pseudo-image file.

4.) Then I tried to mount the file:
mount -t iso9660 -o loop pseudo-image /mnt/image

THIS DOES NOT WORK! (I even f**ked up a CDR :-()

Can you please help me, I believe I am doing everything right,
I skipped the "rsync" stuff, I don't think that changes anything.
The README file I have read 3 times ... I don't understand this!

Thank you,


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