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Re: Please add new version of Release-Notes

"Adam" == Adam Di Carlo <aph@debian.org> writes:

Steve> If we have another week, then I'd say pull the images for now
Steve> while we re-think things.

Adam> Why wait?  I'm a little nervous by how little testing the CDs
Adam> have gotten compared to hamm.  I know you guys have done a great
Adam> job but my sense was that with phil's efforts for slink, the

I'm going to set up a US mirror of the images again, so that should
provide more testers for this final week.

Incidentially I can't build the images here -- I get 2 "critical
errors" that pppconfig and alsa-modules (iirc) depend on whiptail
which is on disc #2.

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\____/_|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\           And scantily clad females.       GO BLUE

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