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Re: CD images?

Jason Gunthorpe <jgg@ualberta.ca> writes:

> We now have another 20G online, I was intending to use it for CD images.
> Can someone tell me the proper u/p to fetch the current image set?

If you have a local ftp archive (I'd guess you do), check out:


which will allow you to rsync an image, without downloading all the
packages again.  Grab the packages lists from the same directories as
the CD images (with *.list filenames), then use the pseudo-image kit
to build images that you can rsync over to finally get the images.

> Does making them available only through rsync make sense? That way I don't
> need to worry about limiting FTP traffic..

I only offer them via rsync & HTTP, but that's actually because of
proftpd configuration issues, rather than any real objection to FTP.

Only offering them via rsync will cut down on the pointless downloads
that get done by clueless newbies, which could be considered a good

BTW you can expect CD downloads to consume all the bandwidth you have
(open.hands.com is running at about 4Mb/s, which given that that's
through a cheap ne2000 clone is pretty much theoretical max.)

Cheers, Phil.

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