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Re: ISO, Images ETC

On Fri, 2003-05-23 at 16:10, Allan W. Bart, Jr. wrote:
> Hello,
> I just loked at a premade debian disk that I had purchased and the
> boot disk has all kinds of directories and sub directores that I can
> see on my windows machine using explore.
> I downloaded a bootcd from the debian org site and I got an image-
> iso, when Iburned this cd on my machine , all I had was a file with an
> is file type. I think I need an intermediate step and some additional
> software other than nero.
> could some one please assist me?

The iso that you downloaded is a complete CD image; I don't have the
foggiest clue of where to find this in Nero, but you need to tell it to
burn the iso as a raw CD image, rather than adding it to a list of files
to be burned.  Does that make sense?
> thanks,
> Allan
Stephen Ryan                                        Debian Linux 3.0
Technology Coordinator
Center for Educational Outcomes
at Dartmouth College

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