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Re: Wheezy size

On Mon, May 06, 2013 at 01:45:51PM -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:
> OK, it is a hot button issue with me as I'm on dialup. Causes me to
> wait until DVD's are available from vendors.
> I've a physically small install of squeeze and I seem to recall
> loading something from DVD 8 or 9.
> It's a certain company on west coast that's notorious for telling
> customer what they should want.
> [Primary reason I no longer purchase their product.]
> {There's also a Debian based distro which is falling into that
> pattern. }

Well jigdo is still there as an option.

So no it isn't bad thinking.  It is entirely correct for most people and
for the few that have slow or no connection available, there is a more
efficient method (for the mirror network) to handle the rare person taht
wants actual media.

Len Sorensen

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