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Bug#684128: false advertising

Le mardi, 7 août 2012 22.46:03, Roger Lynn a écrit :
> This has caught me out in the past. When it says gigabyte I expect 2^30
> bytes. Hopefully this time when I do an installation I will remember to get
> a calculator out. The people who don't care are mostly those who don't know
> what a gigabyte is.

(FTR, that's near to be insulting in my standards…)

I know what giga- and gibi-bytes are, but I still don't care right now; we are 
actually trying to get Wheezy out and there are other priorities (such as 572 
Release-Critical bugs) than this type of problem.

That said, I don't think anyone is trying to avoid a proper resolution of this 
bug. So the people who care mostly (and know what a gibibyte is) should start 
working on patches if they really want to get this fixed; this work will not 
come magically out of the blue.



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