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Reminder: d-i manual - call for updates


Christian PERRIER <bubulle@debian.org> wrote:
> Quoting Cyril Brulebois (kibi@debian.org):
> > The deadline should be pretty clear, and should let time for doc /
> > translation updates, especially on the installation guide front.
> > Christian, could you perform your l10n coordination magic bits?
> I'll send yet another call for updates, but I don't expect much
> updates now. I made so much noise for beta1 that nearly all languages
> teams coped and we have a stunning number of fully complete
> translations (even for some very rarely used D-I packages).

d-i manual: languages which did not receive any updates in the last
2 weeks are: ca, nl, pt_BR, fi, hu, ko, nn, ro, tl, zh_TW

Ok to sent them a reminder?


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