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Bug#592550: Provide support for SSH-Key authentication (Supports Eucalyptus and Amazon EC2)

Dear all,

Ubuntu's patched network-console can retrieve a public key from a fixed and
secure location, which allows one to log in the installer without pre-defined
password (such as "r00tme" in the example preseed file).  I am not aware of
problems arising from this patch, and Colin Watson was quite postitive in 2008
about applying merging it in Debian.  Would that be possible ?  I can help
the preparation of the update if needed.

In this bug report, a more extensive patch also was proposed by Kyle Moffett.
It has functions that are off-topic for network-console, and that can be taken
care of by the 'cloud-init' package that I hope will be uploaded to Debian
soon.  (See the debian-python mailing list archives in March).

I propose to simply merge Ubuntu and Debian's difference, which would provide
enough functionality to close this bug.

Please let me know if I can help.

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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