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Another d-i errata item for sparc


Please commit the following to d-i errata for sparc:

Some sparc systems cannot be installed using CD-ROM

Debian installer for Squeeze does not include PATA kernel drivers, 
which makes it impossible to complete the installation from CD media 
on systems which require these drivers to access the CD-ROM drive
(for example, Ultra 10), as the installer will fail to detect it. 
The problem may be worked around by netbooting the installer, thus
eliminating the need to access CD-ROM drive during installation. A fix 
for this problem will be included in the first point release.

I've committed the fix to git, bug is #610906.

Best regards,
Jurij Smakov                                           jurij@wooyd.org
Key: http://www.wooyd.org/pgpkey/                      KeyID: C99E03CC

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