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hd-media: How to select which .iso to mount?


I've created a multiboot USB stick for booting several different ISO images, containing (amongst others) ISO's of Debian netinst and (K)Ubuntu alternate. For this I've also downloaded hd-media kernels and initrd for both Debian and Ubuntu and use them in my grub.cfg like below:

menuentry "Debian Netinstall (32bit)" {
        linux /boot/vmlinuz-deb-i386
        initrd /boot/initrd-deb-i386.gz

menuentry "Ubuntu Alternate Install (32bit)" {
        linux /boot/vmlinuz-ubu-i386
        initrd /boot/initrd-ubu-i386.gz

The ISO images are stored in /isoimages on the stick.

This works fine for the Debian case, but the Ubuntu installer always mounts the debian ISO (because it's alphabetically the first one) but then complains about missing modules for the running kernel.

So the question is: Is there a command line option I can add to grub.cfg to tell the installer which ISO to use? I've already tried "iso-scan/filename=/isoimages/ubuntu-alternate-i386.iso", but that didn't work.

Thanks a lot...

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