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Re: floppy install


Philip Hands <phil@hands.com> wrote:
> One could of course install Sarge, using images from here:
>   http://archive.debian.org/debian/dists/sarge/main/installer-i386/current/images/floppy/
> and then edit /etc/apt/source.list and apt-get update ; apt-get
> dist-upgrade.
> A minimal Sarge install should be quick, and the upgrade should be
> trivial, after which running tasksel should get one to the same place
> as a normal install.

BTW, is there any reason why not install Etch from floppy instead of
There are floppy images available for Etch:


That would result in only one upgrade step (etch -> lenny) instead of
two (sarge -> etch -> lenny).



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