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Bug#570273: debian-installer: netboot stops after loading pxelinux.cfg/default

On Wednesday 17 February 2010, Mario 'BitKoenig' Holbe wrote:
> There are no such errors (as btw. the rest of my mail does also prove
> where I'm describing how I got the whole stuff working without that
> ominous vesamenu.c32 :)).

Problem is: it works perfectly here for me using the daily image you linked 
to on two systems: in VirtualBox and my (oldish) Toshiba laptop.

Also, when I try your workaround ...

> [...] when I disable the following line in pxelinux.cfg/default
>         default debian-installer/i386/boot-screens/vesamenu.c32
> and try again, I get a
>         Invalid or corrupt kernel image.
> message followed by a
>         boot:
> prompt offering
>         install mainmenu expert rescue auto mainmenu-kde
> etc. pp. items.

... I get rather different behavior than you describe. I don't get an
"Invalid or corrupt kernel image" error, and also no "boot:" prompt.
Instead, after a delay of a few seconds, the installer gets booted 

So we need to find out why it works so differently for you. I don't think 
it's a D-I issue as nothing has changed, and I'd like to rule out that 
it's not a local configuration issue before reassigning to syslinux.

I'd really like to see the log from the tftp daemon with verbose option 


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