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Re: wait for the boot device

On Jul 20, martin f krafft <madduck@debian.org> wrote:

> 1. use --run to start arrays as soon as possible, or only start an
> array when it's completely assembled?
Why wait?

> 2. when can we assume that the arrays are ready to be started?
When all members have appeared.

> 3. how does the rest of the operating system find out when /dev/md0
> is ready to be used?
From a uevent, as usual.

> 4. How do we properly deal with the device node change? What
> previously was /dev/md2 with normal assembly is now /dev/md_d2?
How do other distributions do?

> It's not quite as easy as just deprecating udevsettle on a distro
> scale.
I am quite sure that I always discouraged the use of udevsettle by other
packages, but policy does not allow me to shoot people who do it...


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