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Bug#506406: xfce4: apt bug causes gdm to pull in unneeded/unwanted gnome dependencies

On lun, 2009-01-05 at 12:50 +0100, Frans Pop wrote:
> > Ok it seems that adding xfce4-session before gdm in the list enables
> > apt-get and aptitude to satisfy the dependency on x-session-manager.
> Unfortunately this cannot be fixed in tasksel this way. The order in which 
> packages are actually installed is not determined by the order in which 
> they are listed in tasksel.
> Reason is that tasksel makes use of the Task: fields in the Packages file, 
> not the task files included in tasksel itself (which, simplified, are 
> only used to update the Packages file).

Ha, crap. And I guess the Task: order isn't reliable?
> Would replacing gdm by xdm solve the problem (see #510422)?

Well, I guess so. I'd like some comments from other pkg-xfce team
members, but if it's not too late, that would be ok. I tend to prefer
slim over xdm but it doesn't seem really maintained upstream and has
some drawbacks which make it not suitable for a default install.

I didn't use xdm since quite some time, but does it uses a desktop-base
theme by default, these days?


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