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[long] An attempt to improve the code of the GTK+ frontend


I never knew that it would take me so much time, but I now consider that
the work I had started on improving the code of the GTK+ frontend of
cdebconf is ready for a broader review.

I have written a report describing most of what I have done.  An HTML
version can be found at:


Follows a text version of the same report to ease discussions:

--- 8< ---

Report on a codebase cleanup effort for the GTK+ frontend of cdebconf

   This report presents fe_gtk, an effort to cleanup and improve
   readability of the code of the GTK+ frontend of cdebconf.

1   Introduction

   This document presents the result of more than two weeks of nearly
   full time work. I am quite happy with my achievements and I really
   think they are worthwile for the debian-installer project.

   I have put a lot of energy and heart into all this. I would be happy
   to explain in every details all choices that I made during this work,
   but this report is already too long, so please don't hesitate to ask.

   This work can be seen as a first attempt to improve the general code
   quality of cdebconf. Other parts of the code and other frontends
   might benefit from a similar process in the future.

1.1   Workflow

   I am fully aware that this work was not really done in the best way
   for free software, but after Attilio's reaction to my first
   commits [1], it was just easier to work alone and present the final

   We could use the following process to integrate it:

     * discuss, comment and test;
     * make the needed changes to fe_gtk's branch;
     * once we agree that it can be integrated in the main branch, write
       small patches (or incremental commits) to slowly transform the
       current code into the result of the process.

   Even if I have been able to go through multiple installations and
   cdebconf's test suite several time. I am also pretty sure that
   Attilio or Frans will be able to spot regressions in my code. I have
   not done any side by side comparisons of both codebase to spot every

 [1] http://lists.debian.org/debian-boot/2007/06/msg00444.html

1.2   Testing

   The code is available in
   svn://svn.debian.org/svn/d-i/people/lunar/fe_gtk. Also have a look at
   the generated documentation [2].

   You can test non d-i frontend by using the following commands:

     $ svn co svn://svn.debian.org/svn/d-i/trunk/packages/cdebconf .
     $ cd cdebconf
     $ svn co svn://svn.debian.org/svn/d-i/people/lunar/fe_gtk \
     $ ./configure --with-frontend=fe_gtk \
     $ cd src/test
     $ # Edit cdebconf.conf according with the example found on
     $ # doc/testing.txt.  Configure "default_fe" to use "fe_gtk".
     $ for t in *.templates; do ../debconf-loadtemplate debian $t; done
     $ for t in *.config; do ../debconf $t; done

   To create a d-i image using the new frontend, you will need to make
   changes in the following packages:

     * rootskel

       Replace "gtk" by "fe_gtk" in:

          + src/lib/debian-installer.d/S60frontend
          + src/lib/debian-installer.d/S70menu-linux

     * rootskel-gtk

       Replace "gtk" by "fe_gtk" in:

          + src/lib/debian-installer.d/S61mouse-support-x86
          + src/lib/debian-installer.d/S61mouse-support-powerpc
          + src/usr/bin/gtk-set-font
          + src/usr/bin/gtk-set-theme

       The logo also needs to be slightly modified to remove the border
       around the red area.

     * cdebconf

          + Adding the fe_gtk directory to src/modules/frontend.
          + Replace "gtk" by "fe_gtk" in DEB_FRONTENDS and
	    UDEB_FRONTENDS at the beginning of debian/rules.
          + Change gtk* to fe_gtk* in debian/cdebconf-gtk-udeb.install.

   You can also use the mini.iso I have built for i386 [3] and amd64 [4].

 [2] http://people.debian.org/~lunar/fe_gtk/doc/html/
 [3] http://people.debian.org/~lunar/fe_gtk_mini_i386.iso
 [4] http://people.debian.org/~lunar/fe_gtk_mini_amd64.iso

1.3   Some words about the coding style

   It is not compliant with the style described in doc/coding.txt. But
   that is the style that I am used to, and it was just all easier to
   work with it in the first place.

   The inspiration for my coding style [5] is still available online, if
   you want to take a look.

   I am open to normalize the code before integrating it. But I would be
   inclined to get a broader opinion about at least:

     } else {



   I find the former much more readable!

   Function were all renamed to start with a verb and variables are no
   longer abbreviations. Lines have no more than 79 characters.

 [5] http://etudiants.insia.org/~jbobbio/c-codingstyle.html

2   Architectural changes

   A few architectural changes in the GTK+ frontend were made during the
   refactoring. These changes were made to create a more clean, robust
   and readable code.

2.1   Frontend has been renamed to fe_gtk

   This is a solution for namespace polution: plugins are expected to
   implement a function with the following name:
   <frontend>_handler_<type>. Naming the plugin gtk means that a plugin
   will look like, for example, gtk_handler_entropy which polutes the
   gtk namespace that should be left for the GTK+ library.

   You might argue that I'm nitpicking here... It was also more
   convenient during the development to work in a separate directory.

2.2   fe_gtk namespace

   Exported functions are all prefixed with fe_gtk. The only symbols
   that do not respect this convention is the needed
   debconf_frontend_module.  :)

   Having a clear namespace helps to quickly spot where to look at
   various functions while digging in the code or reading stack traces.

2.3   Code has been split in different files

   In order to better separate areas of concerns and to make it easier
   to add new features in the future, the code has been spread out to
   multiple files. Each C file, except fe_gtk.c, has a corresponding
   header that defines an internal interface to the module.

   Please refer to the generated file list [6] and the identifier map
   below to have a better view on how the split was done.

   The longest file have a total of 638 lines (including documentation
   and header) vs. 1790 lines for the current code.

 [6] http://people.debian.org/~lunar/fe_gtk/doc/html/files.html

2.4   Public API for plugins is in fe_gtk.h

   A clear API was created for frontend plugins. This API is defined and
   documented in fe_gtk.h [7]. This API was tested to be fine by writing
   a new plugin (see below).

   Please not that there is no mention of struct frontend_data in the
   public API: a plugin should not be able to fiddle with the frontend
   data structures.

   A linker-script is also available to reduce the exported symbols to
   those defined in this public API. The Makefile contains a commented
   line enabling it, which unfortunately breaks when building the whole
   package. I did not investigate why exactly.

 [7] http://people.debian.org/~lunar/fe_gtk/doc/html/fe__gtk_8h.html

2.5   Separation of code specific to the debian-installer

   Most of the development done here was actually done by building the
   frontend against the standard GTK+ X11 library. In order to do so,
   all code specific to the debian-installer is now isolated in one
   specific module.

   This module is only linked in when --enable-d-i has been given to the
   ./configure script. This option also adds a field to the private
   handling in struct frontend_data and calls to fe_gtk_di_setup()
   during frontend initialization, fe_gtk_di_shutdown() during frontend
   shutdown and fe_gtk_di_run_dialog() on start of GO and PROGRESS.

   (Note that I don't like the name of this last function, if someone
   could make up a better name, that would be great.)

   The screenshot module is compiled conditionally as I see no reason to
   enable this feature on standard desktops.

2.6   Plugin handling

   The current code tries to load a plugin to handle the current
   questions eight times for each question (see gtk_go()).

   This was replaced by a simple function, find_external_handler() which
   cache plugins in an hash table after they have been loaded. Plugins
   are unloaded when the corresponding entry is deleted from the cache.

2.7   select and multiselect handling

   All select and multiselect handlers are now build as views of a
   common GtkTreeModel. This really fits the GTK+ API better, as
   GtkTreeView and GtkComboBox get their data from a GtkTreeModel.

   The only exception is the handler of multiselect when there is
   multiple questions asked in a GO and which uses checkboxes, but even
   in this case, a GtkTreeModel is a convenient way to store the
   relevant data.

   The views are implemented in select_handlers.c [8].

   The model is created and manipulated through functions defined in
   choice_model.h [9], fe_gtk_choice_model_create_full() being the full
   interface to create a new model from a given question. The model
   stores the index, the value in canonical and translated form, and a
   flag for the selection status. This enables to relevant setters to
   fully abstract the view, which lead to prettier code.

   The code is quite generic and clean in this regard: the previous code
   duplication related to tree-like questions
   (countrychooser/country-name and partman/choose_partition) is now
   gone. Tree-like questions are now implemented through a predicate
   function (see parent_predicate, is_disk(), is_country()) and
   registered in special_questions.

   This has a drawback though: GtkTreeView adds a small margin in all
   case if the model used is a GtkTreeStore. This can quite easily be
   worked around by adding a little bit more code, but it was not
   worthing it in my opinion: I would be in favor of simplifying that
   code, returning to a more simple GtkListStore and moving away
   specific d-i bits to new plugin (a world map for countrychooser,
   anyone? ;) ).  See the present code as an experiment on how far it
   was possible to avoid code duplication.

 [8] http://people.debian.org/~lunar/fe_gtk/doc/html/select__handlers_8c.html
 [9] http://people.debian.org/~lunar/fe_gtk/doc/html/choice__model_8h.html

2.8   Dynamic content for target box and action box

   The target box is the container where are laid out question widgets
   (for GO) and progress widgets (for PROGRESS). In current code, a
   container for questions widgets and a container for progress where
   both created during the frontend initialization. They are hidden or
   shown when needed.

   The action box is container for buttons found in the bottom of the
   frontend. In the same spirit, buttons where created during plugin
   initialization and hidden or disabled at appropriate time.

   I have tried a different direction, and this is a pretty discutable
   change: the target box and action box is filled and emptied when

   The initial idea was to totally separate GO and PROGRESS handling.
   Ultimately, this failed on my first run of pkgsel as GO is called
   (package installation) while the PROGRESS about remaining packages is
   running. But the resulting bug might prompt us to a new direction
   which is detailed below.

   Another point in making such change was to get rid of tricky
   functions actually refreshing various labels on language change. A
   lot of references and tricky code seems to be avoidable by using this
   quite simple design.

   This change allow plugins to have more control about buttons
   displayed in the action box though. This might help us to improve the
   usuability, but this is also worth more discussions.

2.9   Handling of keyboard shortcuts

   The previous key_press_event() has been replaced by a more scalable
   mechanism. A function, fe_gtk_add_global_key_handler() registers a
   new global (associated to the main window) key handler. This handler
   is tied to a specific widgets, and will be desactivated if the widget
   is destroyed.

   This change is also quite tied to the previous one. A plugin can
   define new keyboard shortcuts associated with its buttons or its
   entry widget. These shortcuts will then be removed automatically at
   the end of the GO run.

3   Smaller changes

3.1   call_setters() no longer free setters

   A separate function, free_setters() has been introduced to do the
   job.  This allow us to recover memory if the setters are not called
   (e.g.  "Go Back" has been pressed).

3.2   Compilation flags

   The frontend is built with the following flags:

     -funsigned-char -fstrict-aliasing -Wall -W -Werror -Wundef \
     -Wcast-align -Wwrite-strings -Wsign-compare -Wno-unused-parameter \
     -Winit-self -Wpointer-arith -Wredundant-decls \
     -Wno-format-zero-length -Wmissing-prototypes \

   The meaning of each of these flags is explained in the Makefile.

   The compiler can spot a wider range of issues with this flags, and it
   has been pretty helpful already.

   I would strongly advocate to progressively enable these flags for all
   cdebconf code.

3.3   Changes in struct frontend_data

   The data structure frontend_data is the holder for internal data of
   the GTK+ frontend. It is defined in the current code in
   cdebconf_gtk.h whereas it now lies in its own specific internal
   header, fe_data.h [10].

   The following changes were made:

     * button_next, button_prev, button_screenshot, button_cancel were
       all removed as there is no need to keep a reference to them.
     * action_box was added to keep a reference to the button container.
     * progress_bar, progress_bar_label, progress_bar_box were moved to
       the opaque progress_data.
     * button_val was renamed to answer.
     * answer_mutex and asnwer_cond were added to replace the previously
       global button_mutex and button_cond.
     * event_listener was added to be able to join the thread processing
       GTK+ events on shutdown.
     * plugins was added to keep a cache of already loaded plugins.
     * The opaque di_data was added to hold data specific to the

 [10] http://people.debian.org/~lunar/fe_gtk/doc/html/fe__data_8h.html

3.4   fe_gtk_get_text() and memory handling

   The current code contains a get_text() function (renamed
   fe_gtk_get_text()) which is basically a copy and paste of cdebconf's
   question_get_text(). This function has been kept as an opportunity to
   add an important fix regarding memory management: question_get_text()
   does not call strdup() for the fallback string. The returned string
   can then either come from both dynamic or static allocation at the
   same time, which disallow correct memory management.
   question_get_text() should be fixed and this function removed from
   the GTK+ frontend.

3.5   fe_gtk_set_title() reactivated

   The implementation of the set_title method of cdebconf was changed to
   the default one in r43372 to avoid spurious title changes during

   I implemented a somewhat different workaround: fe_gtk_set_title()
   implements the method and update the frontend field like the default
   one. It also triggers an update of the label when the frontend is not
   built for d-i. When built with --enable-d-i, the label is update
   update is done during fe_gtk_di_run_dialog() at the beginning of a
   PROGRESS or a GO.

3.6   Changes in the common naming of variables

   Arguments of type struct frontend * were renamed to a more meaningful
   "fe" instead of "obj".

   This is a discutable change as well, but "obj" sounded really
   internal to me.

3.7   STRING_MAX_LENGTH was removed

   I have seen no reasons to limit the size of entered answers for
   string questions. So the STRING_MAX_LENGTH constraints were just

4   New features

   Doing only refactoring became quite boring at some point and I
   couldn't resist to add some small new features described here.

   Most of them are experiments, both on user interface usuability and
   on the soundness of the code that I was (re)writing.

4.1   Banner adapts to various screen size

   The banner now adapts to any screen width. The logo is aligned on the
   left of the screen, and its right side is filled with the color

4.2   Main window adapts to various screen size

   WINDOW_HEIGHT and WINDOW_WIDTH constants were removed, as the screen
   height and width are are now dynamically retrieved through
   gdk_screen_get_height() and gdk_screen_get_width(). The frontend now
   works a bit better on higher-resolution [11].

 [11] http://people.debian.org/~lunar/di_fe_gtk_1024x768.png

4.3   Screenshot button has been removed

   To be able to make more experiments with the interface, the screenshot
   button has been removed. F10 can be pressed to optain the same effect.
   The code to create a button is still in screenshot.c though, but
   commented out.

   Frans suggested on IRC that it could perfectly be an option in a menu.
   I would find it great, except that I don't really have an idea on
   where we could put it. :)

4.4   Go Back as secondary button

   The Go Back button was set secondary. In GTK+ terminology, this means
   that it will be displayed on the opposite side of other buttons added
   to the action box.

   This make the frontend looks a bit more like the newt frontend. I am
   not sure if it's better on a usuability standpoint, though.

4.5   Yes/No buttons for boolean questions

   When a boolean question is the only question in a GO, Yes and No
   buttons are used instead of radio buttons to get the answer.

   A screenshot is available [12] if you want to take a look on the

 [12] http://people.debian.org/~lunar/di_fe_gtk.png

4.6   glib logs to syslog

   Instead of being lost, logs written by GTK+ are now going to the
   global syslog. I hope this will allow us to track problems more

5   Bonuses

   To close this report, two bonuses that where found along the path...

5.1   An entropy plugin for the GTK+ frontend

   In order to test that the public API for the plugin was sound, I
   implemented a GTK+ version of the entropy plugin [13] found in

   It worked well during my tests but is not ready to be packaged for
   two reasons: I was unsure about reusing the templates of
   cdebconf-entropy-text and I also stumbled on a linking issue.

   The current plugin for the newt frontend uses dlopen() to gain access
   to three functions defined in newt.so. While this sounds reasonable
   for only 3 functions, it sounds less reasonable for 12 or more.

   We can fully avoid dlopen() and dlsym() calls if we explicitely link
   the plugin to the frontend shared object. This is basically just
   adding fe_gtk.so at the end of GCC's command line.

   Where this leads to complication is in terms of packaging...
   Currently cdebconf-entropy Build-Depends on libdebconfclient0-dev to
   gain access to the necessary headers. But if we want to explicitely
   link to the plugin, it would need to Build-Depends on
   cdebconf-gtk-udeb which does not sound nice to me...

   It will depend on how we are going to solve this issue, but in all
   cases, the same system should be adopted by all frontends.

 [13] http://people.debian.org/~lunar/fe_gtk-plugin-entropy.c

5.2   Progress bar and questions?

   Beforing figuring out that during pkgsel, GO commands were issued
   during a PROGRESS, I got something which we could develop further:
   the popularity-contest question was asked below the progress
   bar [14].

   This could actually be great to keep the progress bar running during
   pkgsel while the various questions are being asked. This would not be
   so hard to do, IMHO, with the current design.

 [14] http://people.debian.org/~lunar/di_fe_gtk_err.png

6   Map of current identifiers

Please refer to:

7   Statistics on code length

7.1   Current code

         Number of functions:    48
    Average LOC per function:    26.06
     Median LOC per function:    10
   Maximum LOC in a function:   137
                   sloccount: 1,441

7.2   Proposed code

         Number of functions:   141
    Average LOC per function:    11.78
     Median LOC per function:     9
   Maximum LOC in a function:    90
                   sloccount: 2,441

--- >8 ---

Jérémy Bobbio                        .''`. 
lunar@debian.org                    : :Ⓐ  :  # apt-get install anarchism
                                    `. `'` 

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