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Re: [g-i] freefont vs. dejavu

> Kazakh po file (kk.po), uses the following:
>  <U2013> - EN dash (37 times)
>  <U2014> - EM dash (once)
> the same way as the normal "-" (002D HYPHEN-MINUS)

Given the way it is used (no consistency at all) I'd
change those into normal hyphens. kk is not the only
language using various flavours of the hyphen: I think also
Vietnamese uses it. 

> Vietnamese uses the bullet (U+2022 BULLET) to
> list items that in the original msgid are marked with "-"

the newt frontend has this "bullet" glyph (see [1]) and even if I
personally think the installer shouldn't use caharacters as if it was
an OO document, I can understand Clytie point.

> Macedonian and Ukrainian use the following to quote text:
> <U201c> - Left double quotation mark
> <U201e> - double low-9 quotation mark

mk never uses normal quote char (<U0022>), only minor problem
94  <U201c>  "“" 
93  <U201e>  "„" 

I've fixed the following so the number of open / close quotes should be right:

1) пример за некои Dell лаптопи потребно е тука да се внесе „exclude port 0x800-0x8ff„ 

2) Извршувањето на “/sbin/lilo“ не успеа, враќајќи грешка „${ERRCODE}“. 

3) Извршувањето на preseeded командата “${COMMAND}“ не успеа враќајќи код на 

4) Директориумот „${DIR} не постои. 

uk uses normal quote character 8 times (always surrounding "root")
and <U201c> <U201e> 97 times, which looks like consistency is kept.

One last thing:
bot "es" and "gl" use "¿" (<U00bf>) at the beginning of every question:
is it normal / right ?


[1] http://www.webalice.it/zinosat/shots/vi_dot.png

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