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Re: [g-i] fonts: a few thoughts

Denis Barbier wrote:
Please understand that if you are in front of a screen you cannot read,
there is not much you can do.  The boot prompt is much more accessible,
and boot parameters can be documented there.

of course: special boot parameters should exist and should be easily inderstoodable too

Great work, it looks nice.  I made some experiments with this theme too,
and it seems that pixmaps are not used by the g-i, one only needs
which is quite small.

I would keep stock PNGs for "left arrow", "right arrow" and "cancel": as soon as we have switched to GTK 2.8.x, i'll enable those gtk_button_set_image() function that will give us nice images on the back, next and cancel buttons :)

> This theme looks pretty usable to me with font
size set to 24.  There are some problems though:
 * As you mentioned, the background of questions is too bright.

i think a good idea would be making the background colour of the GTKTreeView (which is white by default) simply the same colour of the window.

 * Idem for scrollbars.  (Maybe the swirl color could be used here?)

Here scrolbars are exactly like they were supposed to be in the theme file, but we can change it if we don't like the theme's default colors

 * With very large fonts, one has to scroll a lot with lists.  It would
   help if the selected item was viewable when choices are displayed

uhm.. sorry i didn't understand: do you mean that the GTKTreeView doesn't automatically scroll to active row of the SELECT question?

Is HighContrastLargePrintInverse GPL'ed?

It is, according to /usr/share/doc/gnome-accessibility-themes/copyright

so this could be a good candidate as default theme for visual impaired people?

in this case we could package it into its own udeb (or maybe in the
sabe udeb where also the default theme will be  placed too) after
having stripped all the unused PNGs (actually
HighContrastLargePrintInverse it's 576 kb big).
By the way, how can we get someone to draw a default GTK theme for the installer? I tried to contact James Olson <james.d_AT_earthlink.net> , author of H20-gtk2-Ruby [1] but that email address no longer exists and i couldn't fine another one. I also looked at debian-desktop but that's a really low-traffic where spammers only usually post :(

This theme has been written by Sun folks, see
No idea whether they are interested in helping us.  You can also ask on

why don't we setup a contest to provide the g-i's default theme ?



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