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base-installer - enabling initramfs-tools ?

I've tested a new base-installer with Colin's initramfs-tools patch 
enabled again. As such the patch works, but I cannot see much point in 
committing it currently.

Reason is that, even if initramfs-tools is already installed, 'apt-install 
<kernel image>' will still pull in yaird and thus yaird will be used to 
create the initrd.

Reason is that the kernel images currently list the following 
Depends: yaird | initramfs-tools | linux-initramfs-tool, module-init-tools

I think we have 5 options:
- forget about using initramfs-tools as default for d-i
- install both even if initramfs-tools will probably not be used
- add code to edit the config file force the use of initramfs-tools;
  yaird will probably still be installed though
- convince the kernel team to list initramfs-tools first instead of yaird,
  effectively changing the default initrd generator
- file a bug against apt-get (?) to not pull in a first dep if an
  alternative "ORed" dep is already satisfied

From a d-i standpoint initramfs-tools has the advantage that its 
dependencies and total size are lighter than yaird, especially now that 
python is no longer required.

Opinions welcome.

Extract from the installations syslog:
base-installer: info: Installing initrd-tools.
apt-install: The following extra packages will be installed:
apt-install:   cramfsprogs dash
apt-install: The following NEW packages will be installed:
apt-install:   cramfsprogs dash initrd-tools

base-installer: info: Installing kernel 'linux-image-2.6-686'.
apt-install: The following extra packages will be installed:
apt-install:   libhtml-template-perl libparse-recdescent-perl
               linux-image-2.6.14-2-686 perl perl-modules yaird
apt-install: Suggested packages:
apt-install:   libipc-sharedcache-perl linux-doc-2.6.14
               linux-source-2.6.14 lilo grub
apt-install:   fdutils libterm-readline-gnu-perl
               libterm-readline-perl-perl doc-base
apt-install: Recommended packages:
apt-install:   perl-doc
apt-install: The following NEW packages will be installed:
apt-install:   libhtml-template-perl libparse-recdescent-perl
apt-install:   linux-image-2.6.14-2-686 perl perl-modules yaird

apt-install: Setting up linux-image-2.6.14-2-686 (2.6.14-4) ...
apt-install: Using /usr/sbin/mkinitrd.yaird to build the ramdisk.
apt-install: Full list of probed ramdisk generating tools :
             /usr/sbin/mkinitrd /usr/sbin/mkinitrd.yaird /usr/sbin/mkinitramfs.

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