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Re: Dangerous course of action suggested by USB boot instructions?

Hello Lorenzo,

Am 2005-11-14 14:03:27, schrieb Lorenzo Colitti:
> Hi,
> the debian-installer documentation at:
> http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/manual/en.i386/ch04s04.html
> states that to copy the disk image to the USB stick you must do:
> ># zcat boot.img.gz > /dev/sda

Which is right.

> Please consider changing this to /dev/sda1. This is a much safer choice 
> because it's what all other OSes (and some BIOSes) expect.

No, sda1 is a partition but sda the disk.  Because the USB-Image is a
Disk-Image which IS bootable, it is required to be copied to /dev/sda.

> I used the /dev/sda method and it trashed my USB stick (MuVo V200). Its 
> partition table was gone (which was not obvious to me: the image might 
> have contained a partition table too). Booting didn't work. In the end I 

It contain a partition table.

> was able to recover somewhat with fdisk and mkdosfs, but now the stick's 
> transfer rate is down to 7 kB/s, which is *not* funny... :(

?  -  This is not a problem with Debian GNU/Linux.

> Regards,
> Lorenzo


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