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Trouble between Configure Apt and Select Packages

Base system installs OK.
During base system configuration it freezes between Configure APT and Select Packages to Install.
I reboot and go beyond that to Finish Base System Configuration and sign on as root. I type in tasksel and select the packages I want to install and hit Finish. The screen tells me how many packages will be installed and asks to continue Y/n. I type in Y and it asks me to put in disk 1 and hit enter. It doesn't even try to read the disk.
I initially have trouble scanning the disks because of an error message about unable to get security updates and it freezes and I need to reboot. This continues until I try disk 3 and then I can scan in all the disks including disk 1 and 2. Then it freezes at the point of Select Packages To Install. At that point I reboot and type in tasksel and then it doesn't read the disk as I mentioned above.
I have installed the "Woody" version before without any trouble. I want to try "Sarge" because "Woody" doesn't seem to support the SiS 650_651_M650_M652_740 Display Adapter Chipset and I couldn't figure how to set it up so the display wasn't too big for the screen.
Ron Bibber
P. S. I'm a Linux newbie.

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