Re: Re: Two Macedonias
According to the EU Resolution FYROM cannot have the name Macedonia. If you plan to use this name then you have to add in a parenthesis the word Slav:
Macedonia (Slav)
I am putting the Resolution so you can read it. I'm sorry to say so, but if Debian does not comply to the resolution of the foreign ministers of the EU than i will be in the unpleasent position to bring the subject to the EU court. And by the way we do not share your opinion regarding two macedonians. The subject is political and extremely sensitive. The country of FYROM declared as Macedonia by Tito (the dictator) in order to take the northern part of Greece called Macedonia from the ancient times. Besides all Macedonians believed in the Greek Gods, spoke the Greek language, wrote in greek, had greek names (Alexander is in greek the man who repeals, the strong man) and took part in the Olympic Games (only greeks were allowed to participate).
F.B (2004) OS
2 March 2004
Note for the attention of the members of the Executive Board
References concerning "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia"
and persons belonging to a minority or speaking a minority language
outside the country
Taking into account Resolution (95) 23 adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 19 October 1995 at the 547th meeting of Ministers' Deputies, the Secretarial is hereby instructed to use the following references provisionally for all purposes within the Council of Europe pending settlement of the difference which has arisen over the name of the State in question. They are to be used in all documents prepared by the Secretariat of the Council of Europe.
The Parliamentary Assembly, the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe, the European Court of Human Rights and independent monitoring mechanisms are strongly encouraged to use these references. However, texts emanating or prepared under instructions from the Parliamentary Assembly, the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe, the European Court of Human Rights, independent monitoring mechanisms, as well as reports, declarations and other texts attributed to individual Parliamentarians, representatives to the Congress, judges of the Court or members of independent monitoring mechanisms will not have to be changed if they are not in line with the agreed references.
As regards the country Country: “The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”
The inverted commas are an integral pan of the reference. When the term appears within a sentence, the “the” must be written with a small “t”
Adjective/ Nationality: of “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”
Examples: the government of “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”, the police of “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” citizen of “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”
Adjective referring to culture: Macedonian (Slav)
Examples: Macedonian (Slav) traditions. Macedonian (Slav) culture
Language: Macedonian (Slav)
As regards persons belonging to a minority or speaking a minority language outside the country
Persons/group: Macedonian(s) accompanied by a footnote reading “Terminology of self-identification used by the person(s) concerned”
Adjective: Macedonian (Slav)
Examples: Macedonian (Slav) traditions. Macedonian (Slav) associations, Macedonian (Slav) schools
Language: Macedonian (Slav)
Jan Kleijssen
Director of the Secretary General's Private Office
-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Perrier <>
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2004 10:44:26 +0200
Subject: Re: Two Macedonias
> > 2) use the names 'Republic Macedonia' and 'Greek Macedonia'.
> I like that one, but, as Steve Langasek said, in the namespace of
> autonomous territories, there is no collision at all.
Well, in my opinion, if we decide changing FYROM to something in
iso-codes (and thus, as a direct consequence, in debian-installer), we
should use "Macedonia".
And, well, I'm pretty sure that most Greek users indeed share this
advice. I'm already sure of this for one of them..:)
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