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RE: Status of Bug ##242114 ? [Re: Bug#269036: Sarge: debian-installer partitioning failure]

Hi Sven,

this mail contains some lengthy, however truncated outputs.
If you want to see the full files, I can send them to you off-list (unless you want them to be posted on the list).

I hope that you will find the information you need to tell what the error was.

I should perhaps paste a commented partition table again:

    Gerät Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
/dev/hda1   *           1        2349    17758408+   7  HPFS/NTFS     # WIN XP
/dev/hda2            4695        5168     3583440   41  PPC PReP Boot # protected IBM partition at end of disk
/dev/hda3            2350        3321     7348320    c  W95 FAT32 (LBA) # General purpose data partition. I also used it for booting the installer
/dev/hda4            3322        4694    10379880    5  Erweiterte #Extended
/dev/hda5            3738        3805      514080   82  Linux Swap 
/dev/hda6            3806        4694     6720808+  83  Linux  # Ext3, SUSE Linux root partition
/dev/hda7            3322        3737     3144928+  83  Linux  # Intended for Debian, not yet formatted)

A part of the problem might come from the protected IBM partition, which is probably the cause for the difference between the detected disk size in Knoppix and d-i in the fdisk output.

Thank you and best regards,


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sven Luther [mailto:sven.luther@wanadoo.fr] 
> Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 5:01 PM
> To: Zenker, Matthias (Otometrics Stuttgart)
> Cc: sven.luther@wanadoo.fr; debian-boot@lists.debian.org
> Subject: Re: Status of Bug ##242114 ? [Re: Bug#269036: Sarge: 
> debian-installer partitioning failure]
> > > Probably. Also, could you get the info from dmesg which 
> looks like :
> > > 
> > > hda: 312581808 sectors (160041 MB) w/8192KiB Cache,
> > > CHS=19457/255/63, UDMA(100)
> > > 
> > > In all three cases.

Here it is (I just copied the lines starting with "hda", or which I thought were otherwise relevant):
Knoppix 2.4.23:
hda: IC25N040ATMR04-0, ATA DISK drive
hda: attached ide-disk driver.
hda: host protected area => 1
hda: 78140160 sectors (40008 MB) w/1740KiB Cache, CHS=5168/240/63
Partition check:
 hda: hda1 hda2 hda3 hda4 < hda5 hda6 hda7 >
Knoppix 2.6.1:
hda: IC25N040ATMR04-0, ATA DISK drive
hda: max request size: 128KiB
hda: Host Protected Area detected.
	current capacity is 70984690 sectors (36344 MB)
	native  capacity is 78140160 sectors (40007 MB)
hda: Host Protected Area disabled.
hda: 78140160 sectors (40007 MB) w/1740KiB Cache, CHS=65535/16/63
 hda: hda1 hda2 hda3 hda4 < hda5 hda6 hda7 >

FAT: bogus number of reserved sectors
VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev hda1.
FAT: bogus number of reserved sectors
VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev hda1.
NTFS driver 2.1.5 [Flags: R/W MODULE].
NTFS volume version 3.1.
VFS: Can't find ext3 filesystem on dev hda2.
VFS: Can't find ext2 filesystem on dev hda2.
Unable to identify CD-ROM format.
sh-2021: reiserfs_fill_super: can not find reiserfs on hda2
FAT: bogus number of reserved sectors
VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev hda2.
SGI XFS for Linux with ACLs, realtime, large block numbers, no debug enabled
SGI XFS Quota Management subsystem
XFS: bad magic number
XFS: SB validate failed
NTFS-fs error (device hda2): read_ntfs_boot_sector(): Primary boot sector is invalid.
NTFS-fs error (device hda2): read_ntfs_boot_sector(): Mount option errors=recover not used. Aborting without trying to recover.
NTFS-fs error (device hda2): ntfs_fill_super(): Not an NTFS volume.
VFS: Can't find a Minix or Minix V2 filesystem on device hda2.
VFS: Can't find a HFS filesystem on dev hda2.
EFS: 1.0a - http://aeschi.ch.eu.org/efs/
FAT: bogus number of reserved sectors
VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev hda5.
FAT: bogus number of reserved sectors
VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev hda5.
NTFS-fs error (device hda5): read_ntfs_boot_sector(): Primary boot sector is invalid.
NTFS-fs error (device hda5): read_ntfs_boot_sector(): Mount option errors=recover not used. Aborting without trying to recover.
NTFS-fs error (device hda5): ntfs_fill_super(): Not an NTFS volume.
VFS: Can't find ext3 filesystem on dev hda5.
VFS: Can't find ext2 filesystem on dev hda5.
Unable to identify CD-ROM format.
sh-2021: reiserfs_fill_super: can not find reiserfs on hda5
FAT: bogus number of reserved sectors
VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev hda5.
XFS: bad magic number
XFS: SB validate failed
NTFS-fs error (device hda5): read_ntfs_boot_sector(): Primary boot sector is invalid.
NTFS-fs error (device hda5): read_ntfs_boot_sector(): Mount option errors=recover not used. Aborting without trying to recover.
NTFS-fs error (device hda5): ntfs_fill_super(): Not an NTFS volume.
VFS: Can't find a Minix or Minix V2 filesystem on device hda5.
VFS: Can't find a HFS filesystem on dev hda5.
VFS: Can't find ext3 filesystem on dev hda7.
VFS: Can't find ext2 filesystem on dev hda7.
Unable to identify CD-ROM format.
sh-2021: reiserfs_fill_super: can not find reiserfs on hda7
FAT: invalid media value (0x54)
VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev hda7.
XFS: bad magic number
XFS: SB validate failed
NTFS-fs error (device hda7): read_ntfs_boot_sector(): Primary boot sector is invalid.
NTFS-fs error (device hda7): read_ntfs_boot_sector(): Mount option errors=recover not used. Aborting without trying to recover.
NTFS-fs error (device hda7): ntfs_fill_super(): Not an NTFS volume.
VFS: Can't find a Minix or Minix V2 filesystem on device hda7.
VFS: Can't find a HFS filesystem on dev hda7.

d-i 2.6.7
hda: IC25N040ATMR04-0, ATA DISK drive
hda: max request size: 128KiB
hda: Host Protected Area detected.
	current capacity is 70984690 sectors (36344 MB)
	native  capacity is 78140160 sectors (40007 MB)
hda: 70984690 sectors (36344 MB) w/1740KiB Cache, CHS=65535/16/63, UDMA(100)
 /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0: p1 p2 p3 p4 < p5 p6 p7 >

VFS: Can't find ext3 filesystem on dev hda.
ReiserFS: hda: warning: sh-2021: reiserfs_fill_super: can not find reiserfs on hda
FAT: invalid media value (0x01)
VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev hda.
Unable to identify CD-ROM format.
VFS: Can't find ext2 filesystem on dev hda1.
cramfs: wrong magic
Unable to identify CD-ROM format.
VFS: Can't find ext3 filesystem on dev hda1.
ReiserFS: hda1: warning: sh-2021: reiserfs_fill_super: can not find reiserfs on hda1
FAT: bogus number of reserved sectors
VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev hda1.
Unable to identify CD-ROM format.
VFS: Can't find ext2 filesystem on dev hda2.
cramfs: wrong magic
Unable to identify CD-ROM format.
VFS: Can't find ext3 filesystem on dev hda2.
ReiserFS: hda2: warning: sh-2021: reiserfs_fill_super: can not find reiserfs on hda2
FAT: bogus number of reserved sectors
VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev hda2.
Unable to identify CD-ROM format.
VFS: Can't find ext2 filesystem on dev hda3.
cramfs: wrong magic
Unable to identify CD-ROM format.
VFS: Can't find ext3 filesystem on dev hda3.
ReiserFS: hda3: warning: sh-2021: reiserfs_fill_super: can not find reiserfs on hda3
Unable to load NLS charset cp437
Unable to load NLS charset cp437
Unable to load NLS charset cp437
Unable to identify CD-ROM format.
attempt to access beyond end of device
hda4: rw=0, want=4, limit=2
EXT2-fs: unable to read superblock
cramfs: wrong magic
attempt to access beyond end of device
hda4: rw=0, want=66, limit=2
isofs_fill_super: bread failed, dev=hda4, iso_blknum=16, block=32
attempt to access beyond end of device
hda4: rw=0, want=4, limit=2
EXT3-fs: unable to read superblock
attempt to access beyond end of device
hda4: rw=0, want=18, limit=2
ReiserFS: hda4: warning: sh-2006: read_super_block: bread failed (dev hda4, block 8, size 1024)
attempt to access beyond end of device
hda4: rw=0, want=130, limit=2
ReiserFS: hda4: warning: sh-2006: read_super_block: bread failed (dev hda4, block 64, size 1024)
ReiserFS: hda4: warning: sh-2021: reiserfs_fill_super: can not find reiserfs on hda4
FAT: bogus number of reserved sectors
VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev hda4.
attempt to access beyond end of device
loop0: rw=0, want=66, limit=2
isofs_fill_super: bread failed, dev=loop0, iso_blknum=16, block=32
VFS: Can't find ext2 filesystem on dev hda5.
cramfs: wrong magic
Unable to identify CD-ROM format.
VFS: Can't find ext3 filesystem on dev hda5.
ReiserFS: hda5: warning: sh-2021: reiserfs_fill_super: can not find reiserfs on hda5
FAT: bogus number of reserved sectors
VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev hda5.
Unable to identify CD-ROM format.
EXT2-fs warning (device hda6): ext2_fill_super: mounting ext3 filesystem as ext2

Unable to identify CD-ROM format.
VFS: Can't find ext2 filesystem on dev hda7.
cramfs: wrong magic
Unable to identify CD-ROM format.
VFS: Can't find ext3 filesystem on dev hda7.
ReiserFS: hda7: warning: sh-2021: reiserfs_fill_super: can not find reiserfs on hda7
FAT: invalid media value (0x54)
VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev hda7.
Unable to identify CD-ROM format.
VFS: Can't find ext2 filesystem on dev hda3.
cramfs: wrong magic
Unable to identify CD-ROM format.
VFS: Can't find ext3 filesystem on dev hda3.
ReiserFS: hda3: warning: sh-2021: reiserfs_fill_super: can not find reiserfs on hda3

> > > 
> > > Also it would be nice to know the geometry d-i thinks the 
> disk has.
> > 
> > How do I get it? (Sorry for my ignorance)
> Probably running a verbose version of parted. Or by looking 
> in /var/log/partman, which may have something to say.

Here is /var/log/partman:
/bin/partman: *******************************************************
/lib/partman/init.d/01unsupported: *******************************************************
/lib/partman/init.d/30parted: *******************************************************
parted_server: ======= Starting the server
parted_server: main_loop: iteration 1
parted_server: Opening infifo
/lib/partman/init.d/30parted: IN: OPEN =dev=ide=host0=bus0=target0=lun0=disc /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/disc
parted_server: Read command: OPEN
parted_server: command_open()
parted_server: Request to open =dev=ide=host0=bus0=target0=lun0=disc
parted_server: Opening outfifo
parted_server: OUT: OK

parted_server: OUT: OK

parted_server: Note =dev=ide=host0=bus0=target0=lun0=disc as unchanged
parted_server: Closing infifo and outfifo
/lib/partman/init.d/31md-devices: *******************************************************
/lib/partman/init.d/35dump: *******************************************************
parted_server: main_loop: iteration 2
parted_server: Opening infifo
/lib/partman/init.d/35dump: IN: DUMP =dev=ide=host0=bus0=target0=lun0=disc
parted_server: Read command: DUMP
parted_server: command_dump()
parted_server: Opening outfifo
parted_server: OUT: OK

parted_server: Closing infifo and outfifo
parted_server: main_loop: iteration 3
parted_server: Opening infifo
Device: yes
Model: IC25N040ATMR04-0
Path: /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/disc
Sector size: 512
Sectors: 70984690
Sectors/track: 63
Heads: 16
Cylinders: 70421
Partition table: no
/lib/partman/init.d/50lvm: *******************************************************
/lib/partman/init.d/50lvm: IN: PARTITIONS =dev=ide=host0=bus0=target0=lun0=disc
parted_server: Read command: PARTITIONS
parted_server: command_partitions()
parted_server: Opening outfifo
parted_server: OUT: OK

parted_server: No partitions
parted_server: OUT: 

parted_server: Closing infifo and outfifo
parted_server: main_loop: iteration 4
parted_server: Opening infifo
/lib/partman/init.d/51md: *******************************************************
/lib/partman/init.d/51md: IN: PARTITIONS =dev=ide=host0=bus0=target0=lun0=disc
parted_server: Read command: PARTITIONS
parted_server: command_partitions()
parted_server: Opening outfifo
parted_server: OUT: OK

parted_server: No partitions
parted_server: OUT: 

parted_server: Closing infifo and outfifo
parted_server: main_loop: iteration 5
parted_server: Opening infifo
/lib/partman/init.d/70update_partitions: *******************************************************
/lib/partman/init.d/70update_partitions: IN: PARTITIONS =dev=ide=host0=bus0=target0=lun0=disc
parted_server: Read command: PARTITIONS
parted_server: command_partitions()
parted_server: Opening outfifo
parted_server: OUT: OK

parted_server: No partitions
parted_server: OUT: 

parted_server: Closing infifo and outfifo
parted_server: main_loop: iteration 6
parted_server: Opening infifo
/lib/partman/init.d/80autouse_swap: *******************************************************
/lib/partman/init.d/80autouse_swap: IN: PARTITIONS =dev=ide=host0=bus0=target0=lun0=disc
parted_server: Read command: PARTITIONS
parted_server: command_partitions()
parted_server: Opening outfifo
parted_server: OUT: OK

parted_server: No partitions
parted_server: OUT: 

parted_server: Closing infifo and outfifo
parted_server: main_loop: iteration 7
parted_server: Opening infifo
/lib/partman/init.d/99initial_auto: *******************************************************
/lib/partman/automatically_partition/20biggest_free/choices: *******************************************************
/lib/partman/automatically_partition/20biggest_free/choices: IN: PARTITIONS =dev=ide=host0=bus0=target0=lun0=disc
parted_server: Read command: PARTITIONS
parted_server: command_partitions()
parted_server: Opening outfifo
parted_server: OUT: OK

parted_server: No partitions
parted_server: OUT: 

parted_server: Closing infifo and outfifo
parted_server: main_loop: iteration 8
parted_server: Opening infifo
/lib/partman/automatically_partition/50some_device/choices: *******************************************************
/lib/partman/automatically_partition/80custom/choices: *******************************************************
/lib/partman/choose_partition/60partition_tree/choices: *******************************************************
/lib/partman/choose_partition/60partition_tree/choices: IN: PARTITIONS =dev=ide=host0=bus0=target0=lun0=disc
parted_server: Read command: PARTITIONS
parted_server: command_partitions()
parted_server: Opening outfifo
parted_server: OUT: OK

parted_server: No partitions
parted_server: OUT: 

parted_server: Closing infifo and outfifo
parted_server: main_loop: iteration 9
parted_server: Opening infifo
/lib/partman/choose_partition/45auto/do_option: *******************************************************
/lib/partman/automatically_partition/20biggest_free/choices: *******************************************************
/lib/partman/automatically_partition/20biggest_free/choices: IN: PARTITIONS =dev=ide=host0=bus0=target0=lun0=disc
parted_server: Read command: PARTITIONS
parted_server: command_partitions()
parted_server: Opening outfifo
parted_server: OUT: OK

parted_server: No partitions
parted_server: OUT: 

parted_server: Closing infifo and outfifo
parted_server: main_loop: iteration 10
parted_server: Opening infifo
/lib/partman/automatically_partition/50some_device/choices: *******************************************************
/lib/partman/automatically_partition/80custom/choices: *******************************************************
/lib/partman/choose_partition/60partition_tree/choices: *******************************************************
/lib/partman/choose_partition/60partition_tree/choices: IN: PARTITIONS =dev=ide=host0=bus0=target0=lun0=disc
parted_server: Read command: PARTITIONS
parted_server: command_partitions()
parted_server: Opening outfifo
parted_server: OUT: OK

parted_server: No partitions
parted_server: OUT: 

parted_server: Closing infifo and outfifo
parted_server: main_loop: iteration 11
parted_server: Opening infifo
/bin/partman: IN: QUIT
parted_server: Read command: QUIT
parted_server: Quitting

And here is the output of a parted session in all three cases:
Knoppix 2.4:
GNU Parted 1.6.6
Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This program is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.

Using /dev/hda

Warning: Unable to align partition properly.  This probably means that another
partitioning tool generated an incorrect partition table, because it didn't havethe correct BIOS geometry.  It is safe to ignore,but ignoring may cause
(fixable) problems with some boot loaders.

Ignore/Cancel? ignore

(parted) print
Disk geometry for /dev/hda: 0.000-38154,375 megabytes
Disk label type: msdos
Minor    Start       End     Type      Filesystem  Flags
1          0,031  17342,226  primary   ntfs        boot
3      17342,227  24518,320  primary   fat32       lba
4      24518,320  34654,921  extended              
7      24518,351  27589,570  logical               
5      27589,570  28091,601  logical               
6      28091,632  34654,921  logical   ext3        
2      34654,922  38154,375  primary               

(parted) quit

Information: Don't forget to update /etc/fstab, if necessary.

Knoppix 2.6.1:
GNU Parted 1.6.6
Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This program is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.

Using /dev/hda

Warning: Unable to align partition properly.  This probably means that another
partitioning tool generated an incorrect partition table, because it didn't 
have the correct BIOS geometry.  It is safe to ignore,but ignoring may cause
(fixable) problems with some boot loaders.

Ignore/Cancel? ignore

(parted) print
Disk geometry for /dev/hda: 0.000-38154,375 megabytes
Disk label type: msdos
Minor    Start       End     Type      Filesystem  Flags
1          0,031  17342,226  primary   ntfs        boot
3      17342,227  24518,320  primary   fat32       lba
4      24518,320  34654,921  extended              
7      24518,351  27589,570  logical               
5      27589,570  28091,601  logical               
6      28091,632  34654,921  logical   ext3        
2      34654,922  38154,375  primary               

(parted) quit

Information: Don't forget to update /etc/fstab, if necessary.

d-i 2.6.7:
GNU Parted 1.6.9
Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This program is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.

Using /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/disc

Error: Can't have a partition outside the disk!

Information: The operating system thinks the geometry on
/dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/disc is 70421/16/63.  Therefore, cylinder 1024
ends at 503.999M.

(parted) print
Error: Can't have a partition outside the disk!

(parted) quit
Information: Don't forget to update /etc/fstab, if necessary.

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