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Bug#269027: ADDENDUM: installation does not switch to installation disk as it claims, but tries to reboot from cdrom

I forgot to mention that the installation process, when complete, says
that it will reboot on the newly installed disk:

    lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [!!] Finish the installation tqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk
   lx                         Installation complete                         x
   xx Installation is complete, so it is time to boot into your new Debian  x
   xx system. Make sure to remove the installation media (CD-ROM,           x
   xx floppies), so that your system boots from the disk to which Debian    x
   xx was installed.                                                        x
   xx                                                                       x
   mx     <Go Back>                                          <Continue>     x
    x                                                                       x

But infact the system attempts to reboot from the cdrom drive instead.  Forcing
a boot from the intended disk at the console prompt is a workaround.

I wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that the system's bootdef_dev
console variable is set to a disk *other* than the new installation disk, and
the installer is unwilling to change the setting.

Toni Harbaugh-Blackford                   harbaugh@abcc.ncifcrf.gov
System Administrator
Advanced Biomedical Computing Center (ABCC)
National Cancer Institute
Contractor - SAIC/Frederick

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