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Bug#268792: [m68k] [20040828, rc1(?)] [nativehd] Failure turned Success with Debian installer RC1 on Macintosh Quadra650)


I retried the installation described in #268792, but this time manually partitioned the disk as 1 big partition and with only 1 ext2 filesystem (/dev/sdc2 for /, 500 Mb). Because there was no swap made on /dev/sdc* the installer went looking for another swap partition and correctly found the swap partition used by my Woody installation on another disk (/dev/sdd4). The installation now proceeds past the 95% "Installing extra packages" point, and has already given me the message that is has completed successfully. At the moment is says "Finishing the ......" ("installation" probably, but because the text-box edges are still wrong I don't know for sure). At this moment the system succesfully restarts. (Actually is isn't restarting, it only says "Restarting system." but this is a known kernel thingy, Mac seem to be hard to restart: differs much from model to model).

HTH, Erik
Erik C.J. Laan				elaan at dds.nl
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