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installing sarge on an alphastation


i'm on installing debian linux sarge on an alphastation 500/266. The installation itself works fine, but there is a problem regarding the c-compiler. Linking an object file previously compiled results in an error: /usr/bin/ld: unrecognized option --as-needed.
some tests brought me to the idea, that a version mismatch could be the reason, since the linking worked with gcc3.2 (however the code did not work) and failed with higher versions. Linking by hand, using gcc -v to get all the options and erasing the --as-needed and --as-no-needed in the command line worked and produced working code (so far as tested). So it seems to me that the file defining the options to be set comes from version 3.2 or lower and is not updated to version 3.3 within the distribution.
Did you ever hear about this?
If you know something about, I would love to hear a solution since otherwise sarge is great and the system works fine. but gcc is somewhat crucial...

have a nice weekend then and best greetings
felix hermann
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