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Re: PowerPC installation experience

On Sun, May 23, 2004 at 04:26:55PM +1000, Andrew Pollock wrote:
> This (attempted) install was performed on my spiffy new PowerBook G4, using
> the daily built CD netboot image from 20040522.

Is that sarge_d-i or sid_d-i?

> I switched from VT1 to VT2 to quickly inspect the current partition table,
> and on switching back to VT2, the background changed from blue to red.

I think you must be using sarge_d-i (note that 'daily' is now a symlink
to sarge_d-i), because that's been fixed in more recent versions of

> I was next confronted with a message saying that no NewWorld boot partition
> was found. I had made an 850K partition of this type with partman. Switching
> to VT2 to look with mac-fdisk reported the size of the partition as only
> 830K and as of type "Apple_Bootstrap". I would have figured this was what
> yaboot was after?

This isn't yaboot-installer; it's partman-newworld. I believe this
should be fixed in partman-newworld 5.

> Configuring yaboot was a failure, it displayed a message saying that no hard
> disks had been found with an "Apple_Bootstrap" partition. Aha, apparently
> the name of the partition is the whole problem. I called it nwboot for want
> of something.

No, the name doesn't matter.

> Reran the partition disks step, renamed the name of the bootstrap partition
> to "bootstrap" (that's all I did, honest), and told it to write the changes.
> Again, I was confronted with the "No NewWorld boot partition was found"
> message (verified with mac-fdisk that the partition was now indeed called
> "bootstrap" - it was).
> The yaboot install step was retried, and again failed. I started examining
> the yaboot udeb's postinst. I can't grok the mostrosity of a sed call right
> now (a bit pressed for time) but the output of a parted -s
> /dev/discs/disc0/disc is:
> (Manually transposed, so not 100% anatomically accurate with the output)
> Disk geometry for /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/disc: 0.000-76319.085
> megabytes
> Disk label type: mac
> Minor	Start	End		Filesystem		Name		Flags
> 1	0.000	0.031				Apple	
> 3	0.031	0.841				bootstrap		boot

Could you please try this with yaboot-installer 0.0.22 in the sid_d-i
images? I can tell you aren't using it because you commented on the
monstrosity of a sed call. :-)

-    for part in `parted -s "$i" print | sed -n 's,^\([0-9]\+\) \+[0-9.]\+ \+[0-9.]\+ \+'"$ALLOWED_PTYPES"' \+.\+ \+boot$,'"$dev"'/part\1,p'`; do
+       for part in `parted -s "$i" print | sed -n 's,^\([0-9]\+\) .* boot$,'"$dev"'/part\1,p'`; do

I'd *dearly* love to get testing of current versions of partman-newworld
and yaboot-installer so that we can push them into sarge.


Colin Watson                                  [cjwatson@flatline.org.uk]

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