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Bug#246271: Package: installation-reports

* Heiner Markert <mephisto@gmx.net> [040428 08:25]:

> Debian-installer-version: sarge-i386-businesscard.iso (27.04.2004)

I tried the netinst-iso of this day, and run in similar trouble.

> uname -a:

Linux (none) 2.6.5-1-386 #1 Tue Apr 6 22:49:08 EST 2004 i686 unknown

> Using the linux26 image instead, booting was ok, also hard drive
> detection, but the installer was unable to detect my ide cdrom drives.
> Trying on the console, I noticed that the kernel module ide-cd was not
> loaded, I manually added it,

I tried to load it, too, but I got the following error message:

# insmod ide-cd
Using /lib/modules/2.6.5-1-386/kernel/drivers/ide/ide-cd.ko
insmo: cannot insert `/lib/modules/2.6.5-1-386/kernel/drivers/ide/ide-cd.ko`: Unknown symbol in module (-1): No such file or directory

dmesg shows some other strange errors:
ide_cd: Unknown symbol ide_fops
 ....                  ide_wait_stat
 ....                  ide_end_drive_cm

.. and two other dozents more.

Yours sincerely,

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