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Bug#238091: woody install created bad sun disklabels?

[Nathanael Nerode]
> So it sounds like fdisk in woody created bad, non-standard Sun
> disklabels.  And yet, they somehow worked.  Ow.

Actually, no.  I investigated a bit; it seems fdisk is right and
partman (actually libparted) is wrong.  I've got a patch, but it's
incomplete, and only lightly tested.  Once I've tested the patch some
more, I'll reassign this bug to libparted1.6 and 'patch'-tag it.

> If that's not possible (the differences in disk geometry may mean
> that it isn't possible), I don't know what the right thing to do is

Nobody can give me a good answer for why the kernel and the disk
disagree on the geometry.  It doesn't matter, though, so long as the
partition table is internally consistent.  Which this one is, if you
parse it right, which libparted doesn't.


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