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Re: beta testing

On Sat, Dec 27, 2003 at 11:28:48PM -0600, Damon L. Chesser wrote:
> I would like to volunteer my services for beta testing your installer.  
> I don't code:  Can't help there.  I have a clean box I can play with 
> (I386).   I am moderately familiar with debian.  I can't tell from 
> watching the traffic on this list where everything is as far as testing. 
> It seems you don't need any more testing done on beta1.  I would be 
> happy to test out any dailies that needed it.  I would love to test out 
> beta 2 when it is ready.  If I may be of any other service, please ask.

You can find instructions on how to test debian-installer in the


Please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions.

Matt Kraai                                         kraai@ftbfs.org

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