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Bug#212919: drop fstab creation from autopartkit

On Wed, Oct 29, 2003 at 08:45:23PM +0100, Thorsten Sauter wrote:
> * Gaudenz Steinlin <gaudenz@soziologie.ch> [2003-10-29 10:35]:
> | pere wrote sometime ago:
> | > When partconf-mkfstab is creating a proper fstab, I can remove the
> | > code in autopartkit to do the same, and this problem will go away.
> | > 
> | > I am not sure if that has happened yet.
> | 
> | Do you know what needs to be done? I would really like to drop 
> | created-fstab from autopartkit because it make autoparkit show up
> | in situations where it never ever should be run (eg. just before 
> | kernel-installer and after base-installer). 
> | I had a look at partconf-mkfstab and I didn't see any disadvantages of
> | it, but then I may have overlooked something.
> yes. I agree with this. I think it doesn't make sense, to have two ways
> to generate the fstab.
> Please keep in mind, that we must extend the mkfstab program to also
> detect/include windows (any maybe other) partitions. This must then doen
> twice.

BTW, also there is something broken in the main menu entries of these. I
have :

  partitioner (broken, doens't work for me)
  partconf (broken yesterday, should be fixed today)
  autopartkit (disk eating monster)

I feel the proper step would be :

  \_ - partitioner
     - autopartkit
     - parted
     - other native partitioning tool (cfdisk, amiga-fdisk, mac-fdisk, ...)
     - already partitioned disk, don't touch
  partconf (including fstab writing ?)

Since nobody responded on this subject, i have no idea if sub-menu items
are possible though.


Sven Luther

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