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Re: anna's hard-coded priority list of retreivers

mån 2003-10-13 klockan 08.33 skrev Joey Hess:
> I keep stumbling over anna's hard-coded priority list of retreivers.
>     static const char * const retrievers[] = {
>         "net-retriever",
>         "cdrom-retriever",
>         "floppy-retriever",
>         NULL
>     };
> anna defaults to using the one closest to the top that is installed. 

This is known as a better-than-nothing solution. :)

> Another idea I've had is to turn anna inside-out, removing it from the
> menu, and put the retreivers themselves on the main menu. Well, not
> quite, the menu items would really be separate udebs customized to the
> type of install, that picked a retreiver and called anna, forcing it to
> use that retreiver.

I have had the exact same idea, when thinking about how to solve the
multiple-providing-retrievers problem, but I never really got any
response on it (though I have to admit I never sent a mail, only
discussed it on IRC). I think it's a good idea.

> Floppy:
>    Configure language
>    Retrieve modules from floppies
>    Configure the network
>    Retrieve modules from network

I think it should be "Load" instead of "Retrieve", though. I've also
been toying with the idea of calling udebs "installer components"
instead of "installer modules" since it's been confused with kernel
modules a lot. It used to say packages, but that's confusing as well,
for someone who already knows Debian but doesn't know how d-i works.

Thus, "Load installer components from floppies" or "from a floppy"
depending on how it'll work.

Martin Sjögren
  sjogren@debian.org -- marvin@dum.chalmers.se
  GPG key: http://www.mdstud.chalmers.se/~md9ms/gpg.html
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