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Bug#215448: di_mem_chunk_alloc() should return sizeof(long) or better alignment

sön 2003-10-12 klockan 23.48 skrev Falk Hueffner:
> First, IMHO we should drop this stuff and just use malloc. I don't see
> any point in increasing code size and introducing new bugs thereby.

I agree. I don't see why this is necessary. Sure, malloc is slow if you
need zillions of small allocations all the time, but I don't see the
importance of speed in an installer. Code size and correctness are far
more important.

Martin Sjögren
  sjogren@debian.org -- marvin@dum.chalmers.se
  GPG key: http://www.mdstud.chalmers.se/~md9ms/gpg.html
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