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Big netinst/businesscard images


The businesscard .iso is now about ~60MB, which probably won't even fit on
most "businesscard"-sized CDs. Could somebody please answer:

- Why is the entire Debian keyring (6MB) on the CD?
- Why are the net_drivers, cd_drivers and other floppies (at least 7-8MB) in
  /install? They do not seem to be used in the installation.
- Why are there two different kernel udebs (2.4.20 and 2.4.22)? (Several more
  megabytes.) Really, what do you need the kernel-iamge udebs for at all?
- What do we need the entire Contents-i386.gz (6MB) from sarge for?

The woody netinst images are ~10MB. I think we should be easily able to trim
30MB off the current business card ISOs, and we definitely should do so :-)

/* Steinar */
Homepage: http://www.sesse.net/

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