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experience trying d-i on 17MAY2003

The notes I kept while trying to install should be appended.

Trying d-i for the first time using vmlinuz and netboot-initrd.gz 
taken from http://people.debian.org/~tfheen/d-i/images/daily today 
Install machine: headless i386 (dell PV715N)
I booted using pxegrub and controlled it via minicom from unstable 
because I already had it set up. The grub commands I used were:
> root (nd)
> kernel /vmlinuz initrd=netboot-initrd.gz console=ttyS0,115200
  ramdisk_size=8192 root=/dev/rd/0 init=/linuxrc devfs=mount,dall rw
> initrd /netboot-initrd.gz
> boot
(I got most of the boot options from the syslinux.cfg on the
Sequence (problems I encountered have bangs)
*0   pressing backspace prints ^H, pressing delete prints ^[[3~
     thankfully pressing ctrl-u still kills the whole line
0    Debconf Priority (medium)
1    Language (US English)
2    Net detect (not automatically, e100)
*3   Configure the network via DHCP (no dhcp client found)
4    Configure network manually
5    Choosing a mirror (ftp.us.debian.org via http installing sarge)
6    Loading installer modules via net-retriever (no extra modules)
-- numbers change --
*4   Detect a keyboard and select layout 
     kbd-chooser.c:389 (read_keymap_files): Failed to open
     /usr/share/console/lists: No such file or directory (keymap files
*8   Detect hardware (full version)
     I don't have a floppy, so modprobe -v floppy fails, but then it
     asks if I want to load eepro100 from a floppy. I said no.
     Loaded correctly: ide-mod ide-probe-mod ide-disk ide-cd isofs
9    Partition a harddrive p1 20MiB /boot, p2 1024MiB swap, p3 111GiB /
*12  Configure and Mount harddrives
     Problems: I setup /boot, and then when I went to set up part2 as
     swap, it correctly didn't ask me for a mount point, but for some
     reason used the previous mount point of /boot. This caused it to
     fail because I had two things trying to be /boot. I eventually
     tricked it into using /usr as the mount point for the swap so that
     I could exit. When I exited there was an error because mkswap
     wasn't found.
*14  make swapspace (OLD)
     still no mkswap
note running `mount` from the shell does show them mounted as /target
and /target/boot
16   Install base system
*17  Unable to install the selected kernel
     An error was returned while trying to install the kernel into the target
     system. .  Kernel package: ''. .  This is probably a fatal error.

So there we go, almost everything went well until kernel-installer died.


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